Thursday, July 29, 2010

Got a big stress on at work any got any stress free advice to get rid of it whilst at my desk?


There are several things that you can do whilst at your desk to combat stress.

I worked in the corporate environment for several years before I started my current occupation of stress management consultant. I learned a lot of what I teach now whilst sat stressed at my desk...

1. Watch your internal dialogue. When you get stressed you will probably start to tell yourself internally, ';I can't do this,'; ';There's too much work,'; ';I can't cope,'; ';I hate this job...';

These internal comments are a bit like having a manager breathing down your neck criticizing you. It is pretty difficult to work under those circumstances - and, of course, your stress levels increase.

What to do?

Write these comments down on a little piece of paper. Turn them round to the positive. e.g. ';I am doing this... I am coping... There is just enough work... I am learning from this job...';

The next time the thoughts come up in your head look at the piece of paper and change your internal dialogue. You will not only feel less stressed but pretty empowered.

2. Breathing techniques. I used to sit at my desk and do breathing techniques whilst I was working. This helped me to de-stress without leaving my desk.

How to do the breathing techniques:

- Breathe in for a count of 4

- Hold your breath for a count of 4

- Then breathe out for a count of 4.

Keep doing this while you work and you will notice a huge shift and release.

3. Get outside for a break every hour or two. When I worked for corporate America I went outside for a 15 minute break/ walk every 2 hours. I walked, breathed deeply and let go of the chaos in my brain.

What this helps with is gaining clarity and focus in your work.


Try these things out and see if they work. For more info please visit me at my website - see link below and click on workplace stress for lots more tips,

May you be well,

Piers CrossGot a big stress on at work any got any stress free advice to get rid of it whilst at my desk?
You need to ask yourself a question and be real with yourself. Is your job worth the stress involved? Maybe you should retrain for a position you enjoy? I did and I never looked back. And it is never too late if you have the passion.

Here are some tips when working in an office at your desk. I recommend taking 5-10 minute breaks each hour; from looking directly at the monitor. I know a few people who had their sight affected as a direct result of looking at the monitor for too long.

Take beverage breaks, move your limbs; don't stay in one position, stretch at your desk, go outside and take some fresh air and by all means eat bananas as they have stress reducing elements.Got a big stress on at work any got any stress free advice to get rid of it whilst at my desk?
Click a pen continuously. Not only a stress reliever for you, but you can drive your co-workers crazy! That'll teach 'em.
i would go to the store and get a stress ball

and you could try venting to someone maby
a nice pooh in the toliets,

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