Saturday, July 31, 2010

Where can I get free leagal advice?

my son had an accident where he bumped into a parked car. I thought his father had insurance on him. But his stepmother had canceled it. Now we have to go to court . he was given a ticket for improper backing. The car is in my name I had insurance but not on him an my insurance will not cover it.He is 17an will be18 in May. What should I do?Where can I get free leagal advice?
I know this is not what you are going to want to hear, but the best advice you can get is from an attorney in your State as the laws vary from State to State and maybe they can find a loophole out of it.

In general, the person that the car is titled in is the responsible party and responsible for making sure any drivers are insured or bear they bear the risks. The ';I thought his father had insurance on him'; isn't going to hold water in a Court of Law as far as damages, it may for your son being charged for not having insurance as an additional charge.

In most cases, even if the divorce decree specifically spelled out that your ex was to pay insurance premiums, you would have to demand the money in writing for what is due and if he doesn't pay, then sue him in Small Claims Court.

As far as the improper backing ticket, hitting a park car is pretty cut and dried; unless the car was parked illegally and you can prove it, it is pretty much a slam-dunk and would be cheaper to pay the fine/ticket than go to Court and be saddled with keeping/taking off time from work to go to Court on the matter, to have the end result be the same, UNLESS you have a very good attorney that can find a way out of it for you and your son.

Good luck!Where can I get free leagal advice?
You can always call the offices of LLC Disdik, Nut, and Nut. They have an excellent record with body work and will be able to buff out your sons dings in no time.
IN prison.
your ex husbands wife pulled a fast one.

i would ask the insurance company that represents you for advice. sometimes you don't need a lawyer for small claims. it don't sound like a big claim but what my past experience is the owner of the car (you) will have to come up with the money for the repairs of the car he hit and your repairs also.

sounds like a lack of communication with your ex..he morally did a bad thing in letting the insurance go on your son...but unless its in the divorce settlement per se..then you are going to fight a losing battle.

I belong to the UAW and get free legal service..but the last time i did this it cost me $ how free was that? The only way you can get free legal service is to check out a lawyer who will take this case either pro bono (free) or on condition that he will collect only on the condition that you win the case. These lawyers usually screen the case and will not pick a case they think is a loser for them..but check it out...
Split the damages between you and his father!

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